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Schools Attended

2005-2011 : St. Monica's Preparatory School

                     ( Trinidad )

2011 - 2016 : Fatima College ( Trinidad )

2016 - 2018: Saddlebrook Preparatory School

                     ( United States of America )

2018 - Present: Stetson University ( U.S.A. )




 Skilled in the uses of :

  • Microsoft Word​

  • Microsoft Powerpoint 

  • Microsoft Excel


Partake in Student leadership roles such as:

  • Student Council

  • Peer Tutoring 


Also currently learning two languages:

  • Spanish 

  • German



Here is a list of a few of my academic Achievement Awards

2017 Student of the Year

I was presented this award during my junior year for showing great academic integrity, as well as maintaining a stable grade point average throughout the year.

Dartmouth Scholar Book Award 2017

I was given this award due to being recognized for my efforts in and out of the class room. Truly is one of my most prized achievements.

Core Values Award winner 2018

This Award was presented to me due to my ability to display the values the school looks for within a student.


Click the see more button below to see some examples of my written work, as well as some of my projects.

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